Transcript for Wibbly Wobbly Talks SAG-AFTRA: A Wibbly Wobbly Minisode

Wibbly Wobbly may have taken a break but we are BACK babes. We bring you this short episode and rather rambling episode (which if it’s your first this probably isn’t the most demonstrative of our style tbh) to talk a bit about why we haven’t been around and are slightly rusty and what we plan to do next. Above all else know that we support SAG-AFTRA whole-heartedly and plan to stay away from struck work— including our beloved Doctor Who— until we get a fair deal. Our next episode will actually be a foray into one of our favorite tangent topics— Greek Mythology! So stay tuned because we don’t plan to quit any time soon, just staying away from our usual main topic right now.
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Wibbly Wobbly Talks SAG-AFTRA
Talia: Yes, I know that was kind of excessive, but, it’s how we do.
Lucia: Hey, we, we haven’t, we haven’t recorded, I think, in over a year,
Talia: No, we were recording, we were recording in, like, January.
Lucia: That’s true, okay. But in, for nearly nine months, ten months, we haven’t recorded anything. (Lucia laughs)
Talia: Yeah, I know, we’re rusty, we’re rusty,
Lucia: So…
Talia: Yeah, we haven’t been around, I’m sorry. (Lucia laughs)
Lucia: if we seem rusty, this is why. We’re easing ourselves back into recording by talking about our favorite things. (Lucia laughs)
Talia: Yeah. All right. So this is the Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Podcast, but we haven’t been the Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Podcast for a while.
Talia: I think you remember our names. I’m Talia
Lucia: I’m Lucia. Sorry, we’ve, we’ve, we’ve peaced out for about nine months.
Talia: Yeah, but we’ve peaced out for a good reason, which is that SAG-AFTRA is on strike. It’s not good, but
Lucia: it is both good and not good they’re on strike. It is
Talia: Yeah
Lucia: good that the
Talia: Yeah
Lucia: reasons for the striking and the hopeful results. Very good.
Talia: yeah, but
Lucia: The fact that it’s necessary, and the fact that so many people are being put under so much stress because a couple of executives want to hold on to literally 0. 001 percent of their profit— bullshit, of the highest order.
Talia: Such, such bullshit. We are in full support of the strikers. We’re not going to cross picket lines. So we haven’t been talking about the show that is the point of our podcast. But SAG-AFTRA’s negotiating committee is meeting with AMPTP today, they also met yesterday and the day before that, and the day before that, and this is the second time that they are back at the table because they are asking for so little.
Talia: They’re asking for like breadcrumbs. Honestly they had the chips at the bottom of the chip bag. Like, when it gets all small and tiny, and then you turn the chip bag on the side, and then you pour it into your mouth, trying to get just a few bits of nutrition, and now they’re asking for bread crumbs, they’re asking for real bread and for just tiny bits of real bread, instead of crumbs of chips.
Talia: This was a really weird metaphor, but you know, we haven’t recorded in forever, so, yeah. But if… They come back with an actual counteroffer that is acceptable because we’re not going to accept, we’re not going to accept any less then we will go back to talking about the point of our podcast. Though we will say that one point that we do have to actually talk. about Doctor Who is that we recently joined the Doctor Who Podcast Network.
Lucia: Woo-hoo, we’re all grown up.
Talia: We’re all grown up! (Lucia laughs) So you’ll be hearing during our episodes, small trailers for different podcasts on the network. And if you listen to any of those podcasts, you’ll hear our trailer.
Lucia: And you’ll get to learn about so many other amazing creators that we are now, in partnership with.
Lucia: And… Your podcast list will just get that little bit longer. I apologize in advance. (Lucia laughs)
Talia: I’m not sorry because podcasts are fun.
Singing: We all say whoooooo is Doctor Who?
Tim: Is Tim Treloer
David: this is David J. Howe.
Peter: I’m Peter Purves.
Sadie: I am Sadie Miller.
Lauren: This is Lauren Cornelius.
Frazier: Larry, it’s Frazier!
Larry: For all things in the Doctor Who Collecting world and beyond, the Doctor Who Collectors Podcast. I’m Larry VanMersbergen, your host, and I’ve been collecting for 42 years. You’re listening to the Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Podcast on the Direction Point Podcast Network.
Talia: We hope that you’ve missed us. We have, we have gotten feedback that people missed us and asking, like, when we’re coming back. And the answer is that we are coming back, whether or not the AMPTP and SAG-AFTRA strike a deal today, which I hope they will, (Lucia mhmms) but even if they don’t we’re going to be integrating a few bonus episodes about things that have nothing to do with our supposedly point of the podcast. Lucia really wants to tell you all about Dracula.
Talia: And I’ve been,
Lucia: oh my gosh, I can’t wait, (Lucia laughs)
Talia: and I’ve been dying to go on a proper mythology rant. So, we’re gonna, we’re gonna talk about stuff that’s not, not Doctor Who, but hopefully, they will strike a deal before the very big anniversary that’s coming up. If they don’t, then, I’m sorry, we’re not going to talk about it.
Lucia: Simply not. You’ll have to wait for our salacious and biting opinions that will be better than everyone else’s. You’ll simply have to wait.
Talia: I don’t know if they’ll be better than everyone. I don’t want to put hate on our fellow, fellow podcasters (Lucia hums) especially TARBIS and Queer Archive, our inspirations.
Lucia: That is true. That is true
Talia: but yeah, I hope you enjoyed this little rambly little ramble that we’ve been talking about.
Lucia: Yeah.
Talia: Catch you in the time Vortex!
Lucia: Bye!
Lucia: Thank you for listening to the Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey podcast.
Talia: We hope you enjoyed this Adventure with us through space and time.
Lucia: You can find us elsewhere on the internet on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod. Follow us for more Wibbly Wobbly content.
Talia: You can find out more information about us and our content on, and full transcripts for episodes at
Lucia: If you’d like to get in touch with us, you can send us email at
Talia: Please rate and review us on Apple Podcasts and other platforms as it helps other people find us and our content.
Lucia: That’s all for now, catch you in the time vortex!
Dalek Voice: Direction point! Direction point!
Larry: A Doctor Who Podcast Network.