We aren’t the only people doing fun things out here in the Doctor Who nerd sphere! Check out some of the awesome work being done by some friends of Wibbly Wobbly. (Note that this is a working list of collaborators and friends—check back to this page often as we will be making updates!)

Every day’s a learning day! Our social media manager Charlie has always set out to learn about the world, about themself, and about art. They have explored wood, clay, metal, and other mediums, with their most recent being digital art. Charlie enjoys editing videos, songs, digital fanart, mixed media, cosplay, and even sculpting ice cream cones with light fixtures if you’re feeling nostalgic about that one last trip.
They are a freelance photographer and graphic designer, but have also played with different styles and processes for their fanart. Sometimes, they will use a (bigger on the inside) process that goes from a physical sketch on paper to finishing in Adobe Creative Cloud. Other times, they will start their work in Illustrator and move to Photoshop for details, using a drawing tablet like they do with many of their art commissions.
Want a print? They can add it to their INPRNT shop! You can find their art on multiple platforms, all linked below and in their linktree. They are open to commissions, collaborations, duets, and whatever other fun projects may be in their future!

Kelly Rosen
Kelly is a digital artist based in Kentucky. She discovered the wonder of Doctor Who over a decade ago during her first semester of college. Her obsession eventually calmed down enough to allow her to graduate with a BFA in Graphic Design and a minor in Art History. Through her studies, she developed a particular interest in drawing and illustration.
The introductions of the Thirteenth Doctor and Yasmin Khan reignited her love for the show after graduating and inspired her to start regularly creating fanart. Her work has since been featured multiple times in Doctor Who Magazine and the show’s social media.
Her favorite part of creating is getting to spend more time with the stories and characters she loves and giving others a chance to see themselves represented.
Want a print? Visit Kelly’s INPRNT shop! You can also get her art on other items via Redbubble. You can find Kelly and her art on multiple platforms linked below and at kellyerosen.carrd.co.

Doctor Who from a Black AF perspective.
Listen to Black TARDIS and read the blog at blackinspaceandti.me

Cloister Bell Podcast
Liam and Rob from the North East of England host the weekly-ish podcast Cloister Bell discussing the many different stories from the world of Doctor Who. They also have a great website full of games, livestreams and more!

Gallifrey Public Radio
For nearly a decade, Gallifrey Public Radio (GPR) has been a Whovian optimist’s podcast covering commentary, news, conventions, and games from four fan’s perspectives. We watch. We enjoy. We laugh. It works.
Learn more about Gallifrey Public Radio on via their Linktr.ee

Hashtag Ruthless Productions
Hashtag Ruthless Productions creates very queer, very nerdy podcasts. Hosts Jessie Blount and Lark Malakai Grey delight in delving into their favorite media in a way that is humorous yet ruthless, critical yet loving, and always deeply queer. They are also the folks behind the Guide to Firing JKR.
Their podcasts are The Gayly Prophet (Harry Potter), The Gay Pirate Podcast (Our Flag Means Death), We Are The Gayers (Buffy), and EsGAYpe From Reality (Simon Snow). They also make excellent memes.
Learn more about Hashtag Ruthless Productions on their website

Reality Bomb
Reality Bomb is a monthly podcast exploring the world of Doctor Who and its fans, produced and hosted by Graeme Burk and Joy Piedmont. Doctor Who Magazine described Reality Bomb as having “aspirations towards the editorial and production quality of National Public Radio.” The podcast is a magazine show that features different segments– ranging from interviews to sketch comedy to spoken word to music and more — where fans explore the current events and the fascinating issues going on in world of Doctor Who and its fandom.

In 2013, six women from around the globe came together to discuss Doctor Who from an intellectual, thoughtful, and sometimes ridiculous perspective. Verity! Podcast, moderated by Deb Stanish and co-hosted by Erika Ensign, Katrina Griffiths, Lizbeth Myles, Lynne M. Thomas, and Tansy Rayner Roberts, began with a goal of highlighting female voices and female creators, and created a show that approaches Doctor Who from a place of love while not shying away from critical analysis.

Who Watch: Time and Relative Blackness in Space (TARBIS)
Hosted by Delia and Nicole, TARBIS is a Doctor Who aftershow podcast where we recap recent episodes of Doctor Who and give our thoughts on the travels of Team TARDIS. Learn our thoughts on the latest seasons of the show, go in-depth with us about the Black characters of the series, and try not to get a headache as we try to parse out the finer details of time travel.