One Year of Wibbly Wobbly

Who would have guessed a year ago that we’d still be here going strong!
Making this podcast together has been a non-stop rollercoaster which we could never have done alone. Through the crazy ups and downs of the last year, Doctor Who—and the show we’ve built up around it—has been a constant and grounding presence in our lives, not to mention being there for each other on and off the pod!
Jumping feet first into producing a podcast with little to no prior experience in the middle of a pandemic has certainly been a test of our mettle. From learning the basics of editing and sound-shaping to coordinating and bringing on guests from all kinds of different places and timezones, it’s been a wild adventure for our party of two.
Through it all, it’s been an honor to be fellow witnesses to each other’s growing skills, experience, and resilience as we faced each challenge and reached each milestone together, holding each other’s hands as we whisked ourselves away in a TARDIS of our own making.
In honor of our one year anniversary, we’ve decided to give listeners a peek behind the Wibbly Wobbly curtain. At this point we have only released 31 episodes, but we have actually already recorded 42. Typically we record our standard rewatch episodes several months ahead of time, whereas our minisodes we record and release within a few days.
Our episodes are typically recorded over zoom, and include a number of shenanigans, including that after every intro we sing the tune to the Doctor Who theme song!
The Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Podcast is a labor of love undertaken by people who love it! But this project is labor, and has a cost. One thing that we always make sure to do is have transcripts for every episode of the podcast. This means that we spend a lot of time editing not only audio, but also an auto-generated transcript of our voices in order to make sure that the transcript of what we say on the podcast is accurate.
The software that we use is called Descript, and the level that we use costs $30 per month, or $360 per year. Because we also use the software for other projects, we only assume that $180 of that cost is owed to Wibbly Wobbly. Domain renewal for the website is $11 per year, and hosting for the website is something that Talia covers, using a hosting platform that serves a number of websites they maintain and thus is not factored into the Wibbly Wobbly budget. Currently we are accepting donations via paypal to offset costs, and are planning on starting a patreon for listeners at the conclusion of season two, which we expect we’ll finish in the summer (for Talia) or winter (for Lucia).
Through the early mornings, the late nights, the rush to meet deadlines, the excitement at meeting cast and crew, and the pleasure to be welcomed in so warmly by the fandom, it’s been such a joy to make this podcast together, and here’s to many more years in the future!
Lucia at her desk Talia at their desk Lucia’s desk Talia’s desk