1. Joe Cleveland
    November 12, 2022 @ 7:45 PM

    It might not be canon, but At Childhood’s End is terrific! (Check out the interview of Sophie Alfred in episode 59 of Doctor Who Corner to Corner. She talks about how there are all sorts of different, conflicting stories about Ace from novels and more — and she’s totally cool with all those stories not really fitting together.)


    • Talia Franks
      November 12, 2022 @ 8:48 PM

      I’ll definitely have to check that out 👀 it sounds really interesting!


  2. Joe Cleveland
    November 12, 2022 @ 8:06 PM

    About Capaldi as cis-coded: the way he plays the Doctor (the way Moffat wrote the 12th Doctor) it was cis- — But check out series 3 of Prime Suspect (Helen Mirren) where he is amazing playing a trans woman.


    • Talia Franks
      November 12, 2022 @ 8:50 PM

      Oh I had not realized that he had played that role before! Like I said in the episode I am not super familiar with Capaldi’s work. You are very right that a lot of it has to do with the way that Moffat wrote 12— there is only so much that Capaldi could do as an actor with the script he was given!


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