
Transcript for 2.10 Fear Her (S02E11)
Wibbly Wobbly Transcripts Contemporary, David Tennant, Fear Her, Rose Tyler, Series Two, Ten, Wibbly Wobbly Season Two 0
It’s time to discuss FEAR HER and Talia and Lucia are once more talking about racism and portrayals of abuse in Doctor Who. The Isolus is a baby with way too much power and Tenrose is impossible not to ship. Listen to our mixed feelings on this episode now!

Transcript for Eve of the Daleks (S12E07) (A Wibbly Wobbly Not-So-Mini Minisode!)
Wibbly Wobbly Transcripts Contemporary, Eve of the Daleks, Minisode, New Year's Special, Thirteen, Yaz Khan 0
It’s 2022 and Lucia and Talia are back with another not-so-mini minisode covering Eve of the Daleks! We discuss the delights of Thasmin, the aftermath of Flux, consistent representation of marginalized characters, and touch on the different ways the showrunners of NuWho have handled race. Next week we’ll continue with our regularly scheduled episodes of season two and NEW EARTH!

Transcript for 2.01 The Christmas Invasion (S02E00)
Wibbly Wobbly Transcripts Christmas Special, Contemporary, David Tennant, Harriet Jones, Jackie Tyler, Mickey Smith, Rose Tyler, Ten, Wibbly Wobbly Season Two 0
It’s time for Wibbly Wobbly season two, and you might want to hold onto something because this TARDIS is in for a crash landing as we discuss THE CHRISTMAS INVASION! Talia cries in linguistics major and needs more wine, Lucia bemoans lapses in the characterization of Rose Tyler and Harriet Jones, and we finally meet Ten!

Transcript for 1.10 Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways (S01E12 & S01E13)
Wibbly Wobbly Transcripts Bad Wolf, Bad Wolf (Episode), Captain Jack, Christopher Eccleston, Contemporary, Future, Jackie Tyler, Mickey Smith, Nine, Rose Tyler, Series One, The Parting of the Ways, Wibbly Wobbly Season One 0
Reality TV is more dangerous than ever, and the Daleks are back—it’s time for the Series One finale with BAD WOLF and THE PARTING OF THE WAYS! Talia is crying about everything, and it’s Lucia’s turn to be frustrated by Rose. We argue over a certain character’s death, discuss the Doctor’s struggles with genocide, and grapple with saying goodbye.

Transcript for 1.09 Boom Town (S01E11)
Wibbly Wobbly Transcripts Boom Town, Captain Jack, Cardiff, Christopher Eccleston, Contemporary, Mickey Smith, Nine, Rose Tyler, Series One, Slitheen, Wibbly Wobbly Season One 0
It’s time for our run down of BOOM TOWN, episode nine of series one. Talia is sick of Rose and wishes for a better companion, Lucia asks us to ponder the meaning of accountability, we all aspire to that vibe you have with friends who unquestionably get you no questions asked, and we continue our crusade of cleanliness and say the quiet part out loud: those skin suits have got to stink.

Transcript for 1.04 Aliens of London and World War Three (S01E04 & S01E05)
Wibbly Wobbly Transcripts Aliens of London, Christopher Eccleston, Contemporary, Harriet Jones, Jackie Tyler, Mickey Smith, Nine, Rose Tyler, Series One, Slitheen, Wibbly Wobbly Season One, World War Three 0
It’s a double feature episode! Today we’re talking about both ALIENS OF LONDON and WORLD WAR THREE. Talia & Lucia dig into some heavy topics as they discuss fatphobia, Rose’s communication issues, the Doctor’s problems with domesticity, and whether Davros had a point.

Transcript for 1.01 Rose (S01E01)
Wibbly Wobbly Transcripts Christopher Eccleston, Contemporary, Mickey Smith, Nine, Rose (Episode), Rose Tyler, Series One, Wibbly Wobbly Season One 0
Wherein Talia and Lucia discuss ROSE the pilot episode for the 2005 revival of the BBC flagship show DOCTOR WHO. Read on for all of our hot takes and thoughtful critiques as we tear Doctor Who apart and wax poetic about its beauty in equal measure.